Going Gluten Free

Happy April!

I am celebrating the start of the new month by going gluten-free with Bex of Bexlife.com. It’s a great way to start a habit of researching the ingredients and see also see if you have any unknown gluten allergies. The best part about the series is it’s free! Check out Bex’s Blissed Detox Healthy Nutrition series where she is offering members

– An invitation to her private Xen Bliss Facebook group
– Her official “Gluten-Free Detox Tool Kit” shopping guide
– Exclusive access to interviews with top wellness experts
– Several chances to win some amazing prizes
– and much more..
Even if you aren’t joining on Day 1, it’s perfectly find to start at any time. A few great items to grab on the detox are “Go With Your Gut” and “Eating CleanThe 21-Day Plan to Detox, Fight Inflammation, and Reset Your Body,”and  Grain Brain books and my new favorite supplement, Greens Blend. Bex gives you a lot more so sign up for more information and guidance.