FitHair Healthy Refrigerator Tour

Studies have shown that we reach for what’s convenient and what’s visible. When it comes to eating healthy and having the right foods for hair growth, I make sure to  keep my refrigerator stock with visible healthy items. I took a little bit of time to record what my fridge looks like and what I do to keep it healthy.
Where do I stock up on healthy foods?
I buy most of my food from Sprouts either on Amazon Prime or in store. Thanks to Sprouts having a 72-hour sale on the fruits and vegetable department, I was able to get two weeks worth of veggies and fruits for $40 bucks. #winning. Sprouts is becoming one of my favorite stores to shop for all my grocery needs. Did you know, every week they always have a different department on sale? This is great for saving money on everything from protein supplements to kale.

Healthy Refrigerator Tips

Here are a few quick tips to keeping your refrigerator in tip-top shape.

Stay Organized

healthy refrigerator fithair
I make sure to keep my refrigerator organized on a daily or weekly basis. I keep most vegetables and fruits separate using a variety of bowls and shelving. This ensures I won’t mistake cucumbers for zucchini by accident and visually assist me in knowing what I need for my groceries. I am a visual eater so this is key or me.

Buy Healthy: Read Labels

I try to keep fruits within reach for those “sweet” tooth moments. Not having junk food in the house makes sure I stay healthy and only reach for the foods my body needs. For other items, I make sure to look for foods that have the organic label or Non-GMO. You can find out more information on what labels are best for foods.

Clean Foods

Before the foods are loaded in the refrigerator, I make sure to keep them clean and washed. I love using Eat Cleaner to clean, remove pesticides and preserve foods, which save me tons of money in the long term.  Purchase Eat Cleaner Here. Hopefully, this video will inspire you to have a healthy refrigerator.
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