Are you struggling to wake up in the mornings? Want to hit the gym at 5 or 6am but instead you just keep hitting the snooze button?
I love nothing better than a good Saturday sleep in on a cool fall day but truth is, I wake up at 5am pretty much everyday to workout and get my day started. Sometimes I look forward to it, other days, I am over it but honestly when I get done it’s one of the best parts of my day and I feel like I can crush anything.
Waking up early and establishing a morning routine, was a critical part of my weight loss journey when training as I made sure nothing came before myself and my mornings rituals.
Becoming am morning person and establishing a proper foundation for my mornings propelled me to focus on the positive and the goals I wanted to accomplish. Also, I was less likely to miss a workout later on in the day. Check out this video where I offer a few tips on how I slay the day and my morning workouts easier.
How to Wake Up for Early Morning Workouts
Tips in a nutshell
- Lay out workout clothes the night before
- Go to bed regularly at a proper time
- Avoid snoozing and get up using the 5 second rule
- Listen to devotion or meditation in the mornings while getting ready
- Establish a morning routine