No matter if you are starting on your walking journey or an expert marathoner, safety is not something that should ever be taken lightly. Weather you are running solo or just walking and exploring the city anything can happen. As runners it’s essential to be mindful in these times to be prepared for the unexpected. Here are a few easy safety items I highly recommend for runners, no matter if you are starting on your walking journey or an expert marathoner.
3 Safety Items for Beginner Runners
A few years ago, I went down in the Boston Marathon, and I remember parts of it. I do remember them looking at my bib and attempting to find my emergency information. I couldn’t remember phone numbers and much except that if they called my mom, she would freak out, and I wouldn’t go down until my coach said so. After I recovered from this DNF of being sick, hyperthermia, and a plethora of issues I discussed in my Boston Marathon recap, I realized how important it would have been for me to have my road ID. it’sIt’s a small id that you can wear 24/7 with medical and emergency contact information. I have worn one, for now, two years and it gives me comfort to know should anything happen to me, just stop my Garmin and call this number.
There are a couple of different options. You can add the id to your current Apple or Garmin watch or have it as a cute separate bracelet. In the photos I am showing both, one on my Garmin and the other is on a separate bracelet. I like both options but often they have specials on different styles and colors. I was able to grab the limited cobalt blue edition, which pairs nicely with all the blue colors.
Runner’s Pepper Gel Spray
Sabre is one of the most popular brands when it comes to dog repellent and pepper spray. They have a bunch of tactical and safety items for runners in particular. I am a fan of their Pepper gel for runners, which is compact and also can be worn on your hand or arm. The gel also is perfect for windy conditions so that it doesn’t accidentally spray back on you as you spray it. There are other options like alarms and such but this is just essential list and one of my go-to’s for everyone.
This adjustable hand strap pepper spray fits right into your rigorous run while keeping you safe and protected. This SABRE runner pepper spray is full strength and guaranteed for reliable takedown power, and the 3-in-1 formula is a winning combination. Powerful lab-formulated pepper spray is combined with CS tear gas to enhance facial burning, plus a UV marking dye helps law enforcement identify the suspect.
Garmin Emergency Assistance Alert
If anything should happen when you’re on the go, activating the assistance feature will send a message to your emergency contacts immediately with your location. You also have the option of selecting this yourself if you need help too. Think of it as the bat-signal but to your emergency people. You find out more information on the Emergency settings on the Garmin Safety options.