Category: Fit Food

Fit Food

3 Summer Desserts Great for Hair and Body

With temperatures increasing for the summer so are my taste buds for summer desserts. From popsicles to pie, my taste buds are flowing for some great desserts. I was asked by Weight Watchers® Ice Cream to create some unique tips celebrating the anticipation of the summer season so three super easy desserts that benefit both your hair and body. Watermelon     Watermelon is a great option for summer thanks to its high amount of water content. It also contains a significant amount of vitamins A, B6 and C, antioxidants, amino acids, and potassium, which are both great for your hair and body. Blueberries     Blueberries are one of my favorite berries to consume during the summer season. From salads to smoothies to cakes and pies, blueberries can be incorporated in a variety of dishes. Blueberries contain a variety of nutrients such as potassium, vitamin C and B6, which all are essential to hair growth. Blueberries also contain a significant amount of fiber, which helps lower cholesterol in the blood and is said to decrease the risk of heart disease. Yogurt     Yogurt is one of my favorite desserts in the summer because it contains hair vitamins such as B-2 and B-12 but also a great deal of nutrients essential to the body such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Greek yogurt is one of my favorites as it can contain up to 15g of protein in one serving and low in calorie. Bonus: So I know some of you might not like bake or make anything so if you don’t find any of these desserts appetizing simply head on over to your local Target and Walmart and grab a lower calorie and fat version of your favorite cold dessert. You can also find the Weight Watchers Dark Chocolate Raspberry Ice Cream Bars, which I enjoyed in the hot summer temperatures. If Raspberry isn’t your thing, they have several other flavors to try. This post is sponsored by Weight Watchers® Ice Cream as a part of their summer celebration.   Don’t forget about my giveaway going on for the “Summer Preparation Gift Pack.” Items in the Summer Preparation Gift Pack will include: Nunatt Hair Products, Beach scarf, Garden of Life product, Ellevie body product, a tumbler, Weight Watchers coupons and much more a Rafflecopter giveaway   This is a sponsored post on behalf of Weight Watchers Ice Cream. All opinions are my own.Comments submitted may be displayed on other websites owned by the sponsoring brand.

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Going Gluten Free

Happy April! I am celebrating the start of the new month by going gluten-free with Bex of It’s a great way to start a habit of researching the ingredients and see also see if you have any unknown gluten allergies. The best part about the series is it’s free! Check out Bex’s Blissed Detox Healthy Nutrition series where she is offering members – An invitation to her private Xen Bliss Facebook group – Her official “Gluten-Free Detox Tool Kit” shopping guide – Exclusive access to interviews with top wellness experts – Several chances to win some amazing prizes – and much more.. Even if you aren’t joining on Day 1, it’s perfectly find to start at any time. A few great items to grab on the detox are “Go With Your Gut” and “Eating Clean: The 21-Day Plan to Detox, Fight Inflammation, and Reset Your Body,”and  Grain Brain books and my new favorite supplement, Greens Blend. Bex gives you a lot more so sign up for more information and guidance.  

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Meal Prep Tips for Vegetarians

We are half way through the 30-day vegetarian challenge. A few of you requested to see a few details of meal prepping for a vegetarian. This meal prep is both affordable and health meal prep. Meal Prep Tips for Vegetarians I wanted to share my vegetarian meal prep for this week. In less than 90 minutes and $50 dollars, I was able to make all my meals for the week. Here is the list of items I prepared for the week. Breakfast: Green-Smoothie or Overnight Oats Snacks: Mixed Fruit, Tomato and Cucumber Salad, boiled eggs etc Lunch: Bbq meatballs with green beans and rice mix (quinoa and black rice with seasoning, Stir-fry with rice mix Dinner: Variety of Salads Meal Prep Additional Tips 30 Day Vegetarian Challenge 10 Minute Healthy Vegan Pizza  Vegetarian Weekly Meal Prep    

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Benefits of Avocados for Hair, Skin and Body

Avocados are incredibly nutritious. Their high nutrient value are important for overall health and well-being. Here are a few benefits of avocados for not just your hair but also your body. Benefits of Avocados for Hair, Skin and Body Contain Many Vitamins, Which Aid In Absorption of Nutrients Avocados are rich in fat content that makes it easier to absorb fat-soluble vitamins that are present in food. Without the fat in your diet, the body would not be able to absorb fat-soluble vitamins in that meal. Contain More Potassium than Bananas Avocados are actually very high in potassium… with a 100 gram (3.5 ounce) serving containing 14% of the RDA, compared to 10% in bananas, which are a typical high potassium food (5 Aid In Reducing Cholesterol Avocados contain monounsaturated fat, which helps to lower bad cholesterol. A 1996 study published in the journal Archives of Medical Research found patients with high cholesterol who added avocados to their diet for one week had a 22 percent decrease in bad cholesterol and triglycerides and an 11 percent increase in good cholesterol. High In Antioxidants Avocados are high in antioxidants, which play a part in luster of skin and important for eye health   How to Use Avocados Body and Skin: Make a avocado hair mask by using 2 tablespoons of lemon, ½ cup of olive oil and an avocado together. Here area few other articles and tips on avocado mask for skin, body and hair. Honey Avocado Face Mask 4 Avocado Face Masks that Work Avocado Hair Mask Eat It: I love making guacamole with avocado or add into eggs and tacos. Buy It: If you don’t want to make an avocado mask you an buy Avocado oil and fruit complex by nuNAAT cream . These NAAT Creams are balanced to treat various hair types, and best of all, you can combine different products to create your very own customized formula. NAAT Cream Avocado Oil & Fruit Complex is ideal for dry or damaged hair. Not a sponsored video or post. 

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Food Guide For Vegetarian Challenge

I am doing a 30-day Vegetarian Challenge and wanting you to join me on this journey. Let’s start the year off by all striving to eat and live healthier. You can think of this as a fast or simply a great way to try vegetarianism with some new internet friends. 🙂 Are you ready to join? It’s really simple. Signup for my email list for updates as well as a few some surprises for those involved. Commit and go meatsless for 30 days Use the hashtag #justalex30  on Instagram or Twitter to keep in touch, share tips and obviously show off your great vegetarian meals! Got questions? Email me by and send over your questions.  Signup for 30 the Day Challenge What is a vegetarian? A vegetarian is a person who does not eat meat or meat products.  The Vegetarian Society defines a vegetarian as: “Someone who lives on a diet of grains, pulses, nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruits with, or without, the use of dairy products and eggs. A vegetarian does not eat any meat, poultry, game, fish, shellfish* or by-products of slaughter.” Meats include things such as chicken, fish, pork etc. As I was once told “if it has a mother, then don’t eat it.” A lot of  vegetarians do eat animal by-products. These items are by-products of an animal but not the animal its self such as milk, cheese, eggs and honey.     Foods Included in the 30 Vegetarian Challenge Get ready to try new foods and open your taste buds to Fruits:  These can be fresh, frozen, dried, juiced or canned. Fruits include but are not limited to apples, apricots, bananas, blackberries, blueberries, boysenberries, cantaloupe, cherries, cranberries, figs, grapefruit, grapes, guava, honeydew melon, kiwi, lemons, limes, mangoes, nectarines, oranges, papayas, peaches, pears, pineapples, plums, prunes, raisins, raspberries, strawberries, tangelos, tangerines, watermelon Vegetables:  These can be fresh, frozen, dried, juiced or canned. Vegetables include but are not limited to artichokes, asparagus, beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chili peppers, collard greens, corn, cucumbers, eggplant, garlic, ginger root, kale, leeks, lettuce, mushrooms, mustard greens, okra, onions, parsley, potatoes, radishes, rutabagas, scallions, spinach, sprouts, squashes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, turnips, watercress, yams, zucchini, veggie burgers are an option if you are not allergic to soy. Grains:  These are a lot of choices to choose from but not limited to whole wheat, brown rice, millet, quinoa, oats, barley, grits, whole wheat pasta, whole wheat tortillas, rice cakes and popcorn. Nuts,  Seeds & Legumes:  including but not limited to sunflower seeds, cashews, peanuts, sesame. Don’t forget fresh nut butters including almond and peanut butter. Legumes include but are not limited to dried beans, pinto beans, split peas, lentils, black eyed peas, kidney beans, black beans, cannellini beans, white beans. Oils: Quality oils including but not limited to olive, canola, grape seed, peanut, and sesame. Beverages: spring water, distilled water, juices, smoothies, Lacroix and pure waters. Other: Eggs, Cheese, Tofu, temph, Beyond Meat, vinegar, seasonings, salt, herbs and spices. Limit  to sugar conception but use natural sugar sources when needed such as raw coconut sugar, honey and molasses Foods to Avoid While going vegetarian try to make sure you avoid All meat and animal products including but not limited to beef, lamb, pork, poultry, and fish. All refined and processed food products including but not limited to artificial flavorings, food additives, chemicals, white flour, and foods that contain artificial preservatives. All deep fried foods including but not limited to potato chips, French fries, corn chips. All solid fats including shortening, margarine, lard, dressing and foods high in unsaturated and saturated fats Try to avoid having to many sodas, energy drinks, and high alcohol drinks. Remember, READ THE LABELS! 30 Day Vegetarian Challenge Tips Decrease meat intake up to 3 or more days before starting. Drink lots of water. Don’t forget to check out my series on water, ph and natural hair to have the proper water sources. Swap out your regular meats for meat substitutes like Beyond Meat and Trader Joe alternative meats Plan ahead weekly meals and snacks. Meal prepping might be your best friend. Load up on meal prepping containers and get to prepping! Invest in a variety of fresh herbs and seasoning as an alternative to salt and pepper. Always keep a piece of fruit, handful of protein such as string cheese or nuts and a protein powder in your pursue or at your work desk. Limit or avoid fried vegetarian and processed foods such as cookies, chips and french fries. Opt for more fresh foods or bake and broiled items. Experiment and check out my pinterest board full of crockpot ideas and recipes Don’t forget to address any medical needs with your doctor and take a daily. Sleep is important so don’t forget to have plenty of sleep. Educate your self. Before going vegetarian, I recommend checking out a few documentaries on the food industry, juicing and benefits of vegetarianism Vegetarians and Proteins Kale, lettuce, tomatoes, shrimp and nuts have one thing in common. They all contain protein. There is a misconception when it comes to vegetarians and it normally is “How do you get your protein if you don’t eat meat?” The answer, “You can’t be protein deficient unless you are calorie deficient.” The average amount of protein needed for men is close to 60g a day, while women need closer to 50g. You can find your daily calorie and protein needs by using this protein calculator. Below are a  few options for protein sources for vegetarians. Quinoa: 15 g Tempeh: 24g Seitan: 24g Peas : 15-25g Eggs: 9g Nuts: 6-8g Plant Based Protein Shakes 10-30g Romaine lettuce 10g (two heads) Detoxing and Fasting Going meat-less for 30 days your body will be affected. Depending on your daily food intakes the change could be dramatic for some thus many of you might experience detoxing from food addictions, such as: caffeine, processed or unnatural foods, chemicals and sugar. It’s stated most symptoms that accompany detox process might be light or more pronounced such as headaches, fatigue or a small phase of depression. As the body will detox, the symptoms will alleviate and you will experience more energy, better sleep, clearer and sharper mind, and many

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Healthy Vegan Pizza in 10 Minutes

Last weekend, my brother and I spent some quality time during his Thanksgiving break. He is picky eater, but while under my care we make have a habit of always trying new foods, dessert (vegan cupcakes are his many favorites) and a lot of learning. Needless to say it’s always a fun and adventurous time together. It was raining a lot so we decided to put on some Christmas music and make our own pizza using traditional Naan bread. Naan bread  is a authentic, hand-stretched naan, baked in a tandoor oven at high heat; a cooking method which dates back many centuries.It has an authentic look with large bubbles, smoky flavor and airy texture. The naan is prepared with ghee (clarified butter) and flavored with buttermilk, a low-fat source of dairy. One of my favorite brands of Naan bread is by Stonefire Authentic Flatbreads. Simple & Easy Vegan Pizza I purchased all items at Trader Joe’s except the Beyond Meat. I made the vegan pizza while he made a non-vegan pizza. Here are the items I used. Healthy Vegan Pizza Ingredients Naan bread Coconut spray Vegan cheese Pizza sauce Italian seasoning (I used Zoe’s) Beyond Meat crumbles   Don’t want to make a vegan pizza? No problem! Swap out a few ingredients to still have a fairly healthy and delicious pizza. Non-Vegan Healthy Pizza Ingredients Naan bread Coconut spray Mozzarella cheese Pizza sauce Italian seasoning (I used Zoe’s) Choice of meat (toppings) Note: We had some leftover pepperoni from a free lunch-kit box. I illustrated this in the picture above. We decided to use the left over pepperoni on the pizza. Waste not want not.      Assemble all the items and place cheese, toppings and sauce on the Naan bread. We had an assortment of toppings so feel free to add other toppings.  Things will get a little bit messy but with a great Spotify playlist playing, you won’t even mind the mess at all. This is a super easy and kid friendly recipe to have for a rainy day or any day.     After assembling the pizzas, spray the pan and or baking sheets. In an oven set to 375 degrees, bake the pizza until the Naan bread is a bit crispy, which is about 5-7 minutes. It was my first time making a vegan pizza and it came out perfect!  Honestly it was very good too!   Pair with a simple salad and that’s it! Delicious!

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Vegetarian Weekly Meal Prep

I am currently on the Massy Arias 30 day challenge. I really like the program and some of the meals. However, I do customize the meals to my specific dietary needs. This week, I wanted to share my vegetarian meal prep for this week. In less than 90 minutes and $80 dollars, I was able to make all my meals for the week.   I purchased all items at Trader Joe’s with the exception of Beyond Meat. You can find Beyond Meat items at Whole Foods, Central Market or at your nearest grocery store by clicking here. Take a look below for details of my easy and affordable vegetarian meal prep. Breakfast & Lunch     I workout in the morning so I normally eat breakfast in the car. I make homemade egg sandwich with Ezekiel English muffins, egg whites and sauteed onions and peppers. I get bored with eating the same things every day so I have two options for lunch.  Using one bag of Beyond Meat crumbles/grounds, I season two different ways. Any additional meat I have left over my the salads, I also use as well. Meal option 1: Sweet potato smash, mixed vegetables and seasoned Beyond Meat with curry and chopped veggies. Meal option 2: Lettuce wraps using seasoned with ginger and coconut aminos and chopped veggies, cilantro quinoa and tomatoes. Similar recipes for lettuce wraps can be found here.   Snacks   Currently fresh berries are expensive, thus I purchased frozen organic berries instead. I use Fage 2% yogurt and added stevia and cinnamon for flavor. This week Massy has us making a green smoothie for our snack but unfortunately I can’t do it at work. As an alternative, I am making my “green” travel smoothie. I use Garden of Life Raw chocolate and Plant Fusion vanilla with almond milk or purified water in a blender bottle. Dinner     I love mason jar salads. My mason jar salads include with variety of chopped vegetables, steamed beets, mixed greens and Beyond Meat beast burger or chicken strips. I used bbq seasoning for the beast burgers and trader joe’s chicken seasoning rub for the chicken strips. I also use the taller mason jars when I am on the go. Vegetarian Weekly Meal Prep Completed   That’s it! I am loving this weekly meal prep as I am getting faster each week and more focused. Once I clean up my kitchen, I prep my workout and office clothes for the week too! It has helped keep me focused and saves me time. PS: The containers I am using for meal prep can be found at my amazon store or by clicking here.

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Vegetarian Tamale Dinner

I love Mexican food! Besides tacos and enchiladas, I adore tamales. Tamales are traditional Mexican and Native American foods that are made with ground corn called masa, chilies and meat wrapped in a corn husk. While some tamales can be very high in fat and sodium, they are known to be rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. Since it’s hard to find decent non-meat tamales, I don’t enjoy them to often. However, to my surprise, Trader Joe’s now carries two non-meat tamales by The Texas Tamale Company.  I decided to try the spinach tamales for dinner. The tamales take less than 10 minutes to steam, which was enough time for me to pair with a mixture of black rice and beans. Once finished, I added fresh pico de gallo. The result was a perfect vegetarian-friendly and Just Alex approved meal in minutes. Vegetarian Tamale Dinner in Minutes  I used the following items Texas Tamales or DIY: Alternative Homemade Vegan Tamales Recipe  Organic Black Beans Black or Forbidden Rice DIY Pico De Gallo I loved it so much that I ate it again the following day. Additionally, I added a side salad and mixed black quinoa with the left over black rice. This is officially a staple monthly meal! Try this meal when you are short on time or wanting to go meatless for a day. PS: Texas Tamales are Gluten-Free and ship across the country.  

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Weekend Recap | Eat For Your Hair & More

This week has been so busy for me. I am working on many new projects, speaking and also training for my upcoming races. Here is a recap of the events I attended this previous week. Eat For Your Hair – Dallas Photography credit I’sha Gains Photography  HoneyBeNatural Mag Hosted the First  #EatForYourHair culinary event at TDK Lounge.  Myself, Brittney Giles owner of FitxBrit and Michelle Ezell owner of Edible by Ezell were all on hand to help attendees understand the importance of eating healthy and its connect with hair growth. Photography credit: I’sha Gains Photography  The attendees learned  how to make a healthy flatbread pizza, which I was able to introduce them to one of my favorite products Beyond Meat Crumbles. After the flatbread pizzas attendees made a no-bake cheesecake and pina colada smoothies.   We  had fantastic giveaways from a variety of sponsors such as  My Butter Bar, Motions Hair, Beyond Meat, Eden Body Works, Nunaat Beauty, Kays Kettle Corn and many more.  HoneyBeNatural’s website has the full list of pictures so feel free to check out more by going here. At the event, it was announced the next Eat For Your Hair will be heading to New Orleans March 2016! Honey Be Natural will be partnering with itsmeitsmo of the New Orleans Natural Hair Expo.  Adidas Launch of Stella McCarthy Fall 2015 If you are following me on Instgram, you know I went to the Adidas launch of Stella McCarthy Fall 2015 line at  SIX:02 in Galleria. It was a great event as I got my butt kick by trainer Nicole Winhoffer. She trains Madonna,  Mya and many other top celebrities. COOL! I was blown away by this butt kicking workout, where we did a mixture of the #NWmethod and showed off our fierce dance moves at the end. After our session, we cooled off with a variety of juices from The Juice Bar and were gifted with a variety of items from the new Stella McCarthey line. I  definitely needed a new gym bag. I truly am training in style for sure!  This weekend I am headed to The Natural Cole How To Event so that I can learn some new styling techniques for my 4c hair!!! Can’t wait!  

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Tailgating Ideas| Fruit & Veggie Tray

Well its Football season time. I am pumped and ready to watch the games today. I love getting together and tailgating for football games. For cowboys games, I am in charge of the fruit, veggie, “vegetarian items” and drinks for the game. I decided to turn the boring veggie and fruit tray into a healthy yet sporty tray by using the cupcake pans. Take a look at my easy Tailgating recipe to put a spin on your boring fruit and veggie tray. Not Your Average Fruit And Veggie Tray First, I looked the Beyond Meat Meatballs per the directions. Once cooked, I put them in a bowl and submerge the meatballs in my selected bbq sauce. While the meatballs cool, I begin cutting the fruit and vegetables.   After cutting the food, I place the cupcake liners in the baking pan. I selected liners that are my team’s colors (blue, silver and white) to add a pop of color and festivity. I place the items within the liners and that’s it. Finished in a matter of minutes.   While technically this isn’t your “traditional” fruit and veggie tray since I added the meatballs. I loved the idea so much, I wanted to show you a variety of items that you could expand on with such as cubed cheese, dips  (ranch, whip cream, hummus) or even mini cookies within each section of the cupcake baking pan. The possibilities are endless and the cleanup is a breeze. It’s the perfect for tailgating or for the kiddos. Give it a try and let me know how you like this idea. PS: GO COWBOYS! 

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Going Gluten Free

April 1, 2016/

Happy April! I am celebrating the start of the new month by going gluten-free with Bex of It’s a…

Vegetarian Tamale Dinner

August 19, 2015/

I love Mexican food! Besides tacos and enchiladas, I adore tamales. Tamales are traditional Mexican and Native American foods that are made…

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