Every week, I have been making this tea called Golden Milk. If you didn’t now basically golden milk is a tea that is a golden color because it’s made with/from turmeric, which is yellowish. It can be made with a variety of spices such as pumpkin, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Most people make it with regular turmeric but lately I have been using turmeric supplements instead as they are of higher quality and a quick way to ingest the supplements without taking a pill. I have dubbed this “Super Charged Golden Milk Tea.”
Benefits of Turmeric for Working Out
For decades, turmeric has been known to be anti-inflammation, promote healthy joints, maintain cognitive functions and naturally relieves pain. Researchers are also suggesting that, when taken as a supplement, it can help keep our immune system balanced and working correctly
For the benefits you must have at least 500 to 1,000 milligrams or organic turmeric. When using or consuming turmeric it’s noted to increase its absorption in the body, they suggest combination/adding in black pepper when consuming it.
How to Make Super Charged Golden Milk
- Homemade almond milk or Organic Non-flavored almond milk
- Stevia
- Vanilla (optional)
- Turmeric
- Cinnamon
- Black Pepper
Directions For Golden Milk
First add 1 1/2 -2 cups of nut milk into your high speed Blendtec. Next add all other ingredients. Blend on Soup button as this function will heat up milk and blend all ingredients together best.
Pour and enjoy!