Category: Travel


Cowtown Marathon Recap

This past Sunday, I had the awesome experience of running the Cowtown Half marathon!  The Cowtown is one of the largest multi-event races in the state of Texas and was voted favorite marathon by Competitor Magazine readers in 2015. It’s held in Ft. Worth, Texas, which is about 30-40 minutes outside of Dallas. Not only did I get to complete my 7th half marathon, I ran it with a group of my running friends who are more like family. Check out my Cowtown Marathon recap and experience how I hang with my running crew. The Cowtown Marathon Recap Travel Information to the Cowtown Marathon I live in Dallas so I didn’t travel per say to the race. I wanted to offer tips since I do live in the city and in case folks want to travel here. The closet airport to Ft. Worth is DFW airport. Love field airport is at least a 30-40 minute ride away. That can be a pretty expensive uber for you so I highly suggest renting a car for the weekend. The city doesn’t have the best public transportation for most travelers so this is my cheaper and best option for most. I stay in Dallas and wished I would have gotten a hotel just to stay in Ft.Worth. I had my friends in town for the weekend so I was basically an uber. Tim is a dear friend and like a running brother of mine that is on the board of the St. Louis Marathon and is a Running Influencer there. Yal know I got manners and southern hospital so I picked him up from Love Field airport and showed him around Dallas.    The City – Funky Town Ft. Worth is unique and folks that live there love, Love, LOVE the city. There is a lot to see and do in Ft. Worth but it’s very different than Dallas. You can expect cowboy boots, trailers and western stores every few miles in Ft. Worth. They are the true Western Texan over there. There is a lot to see in Ft. Worth so take advantage of walking around the various sections of the city such as Magnolia, Fairmont and Sundance. Places to Eat in Ft. Worth In Dallas/ Ft. Worth, we love to eat on a good patio. Patio’ing is a thing around here so you have a million options with great Southern food, craft and local beer,  strong cocktails, good service and more in the warm weather.  Here are a few of my favorites in Ft. Worth. Heim BBQ: If you can, get there early or be prepared to stand for a bit. This BBQ joint always has a line but it’s worth the wait. Nothing like some good old fashion Texas BBQ. Istanbul Bar & Grill: I am a big fan of Mediterranean food. Their baba ghanoush, and gyros are perfect anytime of the day. This location has a bar so you can grab a tasty beverage if you desire as well. Mash’d: If you can go for brunch, go!! They have a 14inch pancake called the “Manhole cover pancake,” which is stuffed with blueberries butterscotch chips. Yeah! It’s that serious there. Oh should I also mention the mixology bar and they serve moonshine??!! Gus’s Fried Chicken: It’s a Memphis-based spicy fried chicken joint that has juicy fried chicken and the best sweet tea ever! Nammi at the Farmers Market: Head over the Farmers Market and roam around. When you do, stop at my favorite food truck Nammi, which serves Vietnamese food. My favorite dish is always their veggie tofu tacos and basil lemonade. Tom Thumb off 7th Street: Sounds really crazy to put this on here but this Tom Thumb is like a restaurant. You can grab a drink at the bar and watch a game, order pho, pickup toilet paper and so much more in one store. This location is also right by a lot of other restaurants as well.   Weekend Socials With My Running Family Friday Night Since Tim was in town, we ended up having a happy hour for him and my local running groups We Run Things and Pint Striders. Founder’s beer came out and gave some swag while chatting about a few local things with me. After that, we enjoyed beer, laughter and good times through the night. Beer is rather normal for us runners to drink as it’s technically just a bunch of carbs and we need it run. Saturday Night  Saturday I opted to ditch the 5k and go for a walk with Tim and my other running friend Alex. We ended up wakling to the the Alamo Draft House, which isn’t to far from house, to go see Black Panther. I probably have seen this movie at least 5 times now and can’t stop still! Also this is my favorite movie theater and they had a great Black Panther food and beverage menu too!  After that we showered and ran to the Black Marathoners Pre-race dinner. It was great time to just meet folks from all over the country before we lace up for the following day. I had a great time meeting al to of fellow runners who live in Atlanta and I will be seeing again in October at the Baltimore Running Festival.   The Cowtown Marathon Race day started bright and early at 4:45AM and it was greatness. I made it there at 6am and was able to get a close free parking space and wait inside in the warm building. I didn’t start until about 7:30 because I switched to a later corral but let me say, all 9,100 of us truly enjoyed the morning jams and tunes while waiting. I always have a mantra song of each race, so for this race, Anita Ward’s Ring my Bell was it! The race was everything! This has been one of my favorite races and I truly mean it. It was really cool to start the race with my

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Baltimore Running Festival Guide

In October, I spent several days in Baltimore, Maryland. The city is known for its harbor and famous crab cakes. I spoke about my quest to run two marathons within two weeks, and it didn’t go as planned. I ended up demoting myself from the full marathon to what’s called a bal-ta-mor-athon, which consist of running a 5k and the half marathon. However, I truly enjoyed myself and the city. If you are running the race or just coming to hang for the weekend, here is a travel guide of the city of Baltimore and the Baltimore Running Festival. So I wanted to share a race recap, travel tips and obviously things to see and do in Baltimore. Travel to Baltimore I travel by way of Southwest airlines straight into Baltimore main airport – BWI, but you can also travel into Washington D.C., which is about an hour away. Additionally, you can fly into Regan or Dulles and take either a train or rent a car to travel the hour distance to Baltimore. So in short, there are a few different ways go getting to B-more. I like BWI because it’s nice, clean and connects directly to the light train. I took the light train from the airport straight into the downtown harbor area for only  $1.80!! It was a great way to see the city and relax my feet for 30 minutes. Unfortunately, on the way back due to leaving at the crack of daw, I had to take Uber to the airport, which cost me a little over $20 but it was a short 10-15 minute trip from my hotel. Getting around the city is very easy. I walked most places because they were within walking distance and when not Lyft, which has a more significant prescience in Baltimore during this time, was available within a few minutes. Unfortunately, I didn’t get a chance to take the bus, but the bus is free and very easy to navigate throughout the city. Hotels to Stay At In Baltimore While there, I visited several different hotels for an upcoming event I am planning with the Black Marathoners Association. My favorite hotels thus far are the Baltimore Renaissance Hotel by the Harbor and Hilton Baltimore. Baltimore Renaissance Hotel From amazing views of the harbor every time you wake up to their endless healthy breakfast buffet, this hotel is perfect for families and those who want to be within a few feet from most tourist attractions and less than a mile from Wholefoods.(Gotta be close to a store for last minute item!) Additionally, the hotel is connected to the mall, which may be great for some or not so great for others. I was tempted to do some massive shopping, but I didn’t! HA! I liked that the Marriott allowed guest to make reservations for dining at any time  because there is nothing like wasting time for waiting around for a table. Additionally, their breakfast and bar for a night cocktail are great. I was able to make my own juice as I overlooked the harbor before race morning. The hotel is half a mile from the train and pretty easy to access for anything. Hilton Baltimore I stayed at the Hilton Baltimore, which is my top pick of hotels to stay at. It is currently undergoing some updates, but they have already started and should be completed by March 2018. I got a chance to see the newer rooms, which are amazing! The view is breathtaking because you get to look at the beautiful baseball stadium and some of the city skyline. Hilton’s customer service is unlike any hotel I had. Additionally, I liked the Hilton because I was close to several local bars (not tourist stuff), directly off the light train and could easily walk with 10 minutes to the harbor to meet up for drinks. Oh yeah, the food there is the BOMB! I had crab dip, salmon BLT, and beet salad; which everything I ate was so fresh and delicious. Dining Places in Baltimore Harbor Speaking of food, Where can I start! There are so many places to eat in Baltimore, and most of them are within walking distance of either hotel or a short 5-minute ride. I want to focus on most of the restaurants and dinning within the harbor area because I didn’t get a chance to eat at all the places but here are a few highlights of places to go.   The Land of Kush – the Best Black vegetarian restaurant within walking distance of the hotel. Make sure you grab it and then some for the next day! It’s that good. Phillips Seafoods: Be careful, you can eat everything at this restaurant and want to continue to eat more. There are so many options, but I had the salmon salad; however, I will be back for their famous seafood mac and cheese. Hard Rock Cafe – Because I know some of you gotta grab the magnet and pins of each location. The Grub Factory – Great spot for vegans. Can’t make it? Then hit the grub hub for delivery to you. Pappas Restaurant – Known for the best crab cakes for decades. Additionally, Oprah listed them as one of her favorite things, so ya know if O’ says it then. Hilton Hotel: For a hotel, this food is the Get into the beet salad, which these pecans were like heaven or their crab dip. If you are staying there, they have tons of specials and goodies before and during the baseball games, which are across the street. Rita’s Frozen Custard – If you haven’t had Rita’s you are missing out. Nothing like stopping midday for some frozen homemade custard, Italian ice or any one of the countless sweets. There is one right in the harbor with fast service and loads of options. Other Vegan & Vegetarian Spots Close –Here is a list of other vegan and vegetarian spots close by. I

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New York City Marathon

A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. – Lou Last year, I made a goal to run the NYC Marathon and less than a year later, thousands of steps the journey and goal has been completed. My NYC weekend isn’t the typical weekend because I can never do anything basic. I am always extra with everything. Additionally, I am always representing the Black Marathoners or doing something for the organization so it’s never a dull moment in my life. Brace yourself, it’s a bit lengthy but I couldn’t leave out anything because it was packed weekend and it’s a dream come true! It’s a good read I think. So with that, here is my VIP NYC Marathon recap.   Friday – New York City I Am Here I arrived in NYC Friday and basically had mapped out my day with going to hang out and tour the Women’s Health Magazine / Rodale office and then hit the expo and I did just that. The NYC Marathon is not a typical race as most because it’s an entire weekend event of stuff.  You really have to be organized or you might just miss out on running the actual race. HA! Anywho, I had a packed weekend so here goes…   If you don’t want to read then feel free to enjoy the video epic documentary with scores, scripts and more extraness on my youtube channel.   Women’s Health Magazine / Rodale So Rodale owns some major magazines you probably read, one being women’s health but also runners world, men’s health, and Prevention. As a 2x Women’s Health Action Hero of the year, I wanted to finally meet the folks I had been working with for now a few years. It was a cool office and experience. It was even cooler as I got a chance to see the wall of magazine covers! NYC Expo So my goal was to do everything I could at the expo and avoid it on Saturday. I did just that. The expo is basically split into three big sections. Section one is the intro to the NYC where you get everything for the race, (bibs, VIP, etc.) Next section is the NYC Merch and New Balance – the sponsors. The third is full of the other vendors. There was a lot of  NYC merchandise and it was very busy. Honestly, it was crazy. The expo can be overwhelming at times. I took breaks because I was so scattered brained and wanted everything but the way my pockets were lined up…. Yeah, Nah son. The lines weren’t too long for me, as I didn’t have a wait at all. After debating on jackets for an hour, I ended up getting a windbreaker NYC jacket because I knew it would look cool with my brooks NYC shoes and red is my favorite color. The next part of the expo is basically the other sponsored stuff and picture time. This also includes the section where you do the thank you wall. I loved this because it was really cool to see all the different nationalities and ethnicities that were represented. It felt like the Olympics and we were the athletes on opening day. I couldn’t just write just one thing but I wrote multiple ones because I am extra… After that, I hit the United section and obviously more and more picture taking. Also, they had a cool section to learn about “visualization” for running from Olympic athlete Meb Keflezighi. You can check out the video in my NYC Race recap, which was really helpful during the race. Once I learned a few tips about visualization when running then I hit up the general expo section for goodies for the race. (Really look at my video recap for details on this.)  I met so many people and companies at the expo that it was kinda of a blur. The best thing I did at the expo was NormaTech system. They look like large boots that basically help with dynamic compression devices designed for recovery and rehab. Basically, you put the boots on and they are supposed to help you recover faster between workouts by reducing muscle soreness and improving circulation. I did this before and afterward my race and let me tell you it works! My feet were super sore from just walking, traveling and such. After 10 minutes sitting with it – the swelling was gone. The boots provided circulation to flow better and offered more oxygen. If you get a chance to try this at an expo please do! Anywho, I got a chance to do a lot at the expo, needless to say, I was there basically for hours. From getting VIP badges in the Blue room to picking up a complimentary custom pillow, I had a great time at the NYC Expo it was lit! After the expo, I watched the NYC parade. My phone was basically about to die so I don’t have any footage of it nor do I care. This race/weekend made me just live in the moment and just take it all in. It’s like that sometimes. … SATURDAY – Social Day In the video, I show you a better glimpse of the hotel I stayed it but I stayed in the DoubleTree in the Financial District in New York. It was right off the Ferry stop and very convent to all the trains in New York. I picked this location because I wanted to roll out of the bed the day of the race. Most of my friends had over an hour or so commute just to get to the Ferry stop due to the subways being packed. I had a 3 minute walk! I was able to enjoy some sleeping in a bit. Instead of going for a quick shake out run the day before like most folks, I just took a quick 2-mile tour of the financial district and grab a few

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5 Quick Tips for Summer & Fall Travel

5 Quick Tips for Summer Travel It’s officially the summer travel season. If you have been keeping up with me on Instagram or the #whereisalex hashtag you will see I have been hitting the road in the past few weeks. I was asked by Weight Watchers® Ice Cream to create some unique tips celebrating the anticipation of the summer season so here are my five super easy and fun quick tips for summer travel.   Switch it Up If you are looking for cheap flights for the summer, make sure you take a look at a variety of destinations within your budget. There are tons of great deals happening to the cities of Dallas, Chicago, D.C. Caribbean and Mexico. Instead of going to Disneyland or Vegas, try going to a new destination in another country or take a cruise. This year, I opted to switch from a traditional cruise trip, which allowed me to island hop and ended up hopping within one island – the famous island of Jamaica. Bring Snacks No matter when or where I go, I always bring snacks. Nothing is worse than being delayed and being famished and irritable. I pack a variety of snacks with me so I can munch on just in case I am not able to buy food or when hunger strikes! A few of my favorites are trail mix, Larabars, Garden of Life Raw Protein and greens and fresh fruit, Make sure to rinse and clean your fruits and veggies before packing or grab an Eat Cleaner wipe to not only clean but prolong shelf life.   Stay Hydrated When traveling out of the states, I have learned bottled water is very expensive. I often will bring my filtered water bottled like from lifestraw to have filtered water within seconds. But don’t forget about your hair. Make sure you have a hydrating spray, moisturizing products and daily cream to keep tresses in tact. I love the Brita Water filter water sports bottle, which saves money and offers clean water within seconds. Shop Smart If you’re going to travel, know the best days to buy tickets. According to, the best days to buy is Tuesday at 3 pm. Don’t forget to compare airfare and fees on a variety of websites. Comparing fares and fees can save you tons of cash. Keep Cool When I don’t travel with this, I also make sure to have loads of foods that are cold. From frozen fruit, smoothies to desserts and low-fat yogurt and popsicles, you’ll appreciate not only the taste but also cooling off with some of my summertime’s favorites. Now that you have a few tips. I want to hear from you on how your getting ready for the summer. Let me know if your traveling anywhere or need to get away.

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See You In New Orleans

This weekend is the Essence Festival weekend. Thousands of people are packing the great city of New Orleans to gather and celebrate the holiday weekend, enjoy great food, music and much more.  If you are headed to the city, make sure you stop at the New Orleans Natural Hair Expo.     It will be my first time as a speaker for the expo as I’sha Gaines and I team up again for Honey Be Natural’s Eat For Your Hair presentation. I will be speaking at 10:15am and you don’t want to miss the great food and great tips within the workshop. If I miss you, hopefully, I will see you at some of the other fantastic workshops which you can find out more here.  For more information make sure you check out New Orleans Natural Hair Expo website. Follow my Instagram & Snapchat pages for photo updates! (IG: AlexandriaWill & SC: Alexandria -Will)    

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Cowtown Marathon Recap

March 1, 2018/

This past Sunday, I had the awesome experience of running the Cowtown Half marathon!  The Cowtown is one of the…

See You In New Orleans

June 30, 2016/

This weekend is the Essence Festival weekend. Thousands of people are packing the great city of New Orleans to gather…

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