The Importance of Meditation
So often our brains are overloaded with various messages, emails, to-do-list, events and more that it hardly has times to rest and slow down. It is important to unplug, shut off and relax the mind. Mediation is critical in shutting off as it helps get rid of unnecessary feelings and thoughts and to reflect. It also helps to improve health, sleep, mentality, reduce stress, and improve concentration. Monday, I was so grateful to relax and take a break with a few local fitness and slow down on Monday with my Dallas Fitness Ambassadors crew. We met at the gorgeous Alexan apartments in Downtown Dallas and had a great platter of healthy foods and low-calorie drinks from Sprouts. Sprouts, by the way, is one of my favorite grocery stores to shop at so it was great to learn more about their cater services and new products. Additionally, we had chair massages from Spa Kneads, DIY essential oils demo from Aura cacia, and amazing homemade tea from Restore Simply. After being pampered and relaxed for a bit, I took my first official meditation class, which was soo needed!!! I have always struggled with meditation and during those last few minutes of yoga in the class, I am always going through my to-do list. As I started to deal with depression and listening to my internal struggles, I realized the importance of meditation and having a little bit of time in my life. Now it’s a regular part of my healthy lifestyle and can actually see the benefits of meditation such as reducing stress, sleeping better and much more. Meditation Apps There are tons of youtube videos that have meditation tips or practices, which is great. Sometimes the videos are removed or slow to buffer so instead I prefer meditation apps or audio that can aid in meditation, mindfulness and easy to use. With most of the apps, you can choose the time and then sit or lay down for the instructions of what to do. It’s that easy! Don’t worry, these apps are for both android and iTunes users and don’t cost anything to use at first. Calm Headspace Mindfulness App Simply Being Dr. Wayne Dyer (Spotify) Three Easy Tips To Start Meditation Establish a Daily Practice: Mediation doesn’t have to be complicated, but it’s important to have a set location, time and routine. Start with taking two to three minutes a day and then work your way up. I highly recommend starting your day off with meditation too! Proper Posture: Posture is important in any activity so whether you are laying down or standing up, make sure you are keeping yourself aligned. Choose a position Here are a few tips on my Pinterest board of postures, setting up a meditation space, movements and more. Breathe & Release: It is important to know our mind is going to have a lot of thoughts popping in randomly. Continue to take deep breathes, acknowledge the thoughts and release them. Hopefully, these tips will help you think about meditation a bit different or plant the seed in your journey. Special thanks to DFA and Sprouts for reminding me the importance of being mindful!